Work Day, June 10th

Today, on June 10th as the college group from St. Joseph’s was still here, Bill Toller and a number of other people involved in Just Faith showed up in Bill’s Toyota Tacoma, which came in very handy! With that, we transferred many piles of wood from down the road. Mike Hope and his son, Chris Hope were also there to help get logs with their Chevy Silverado, taking all of the fresh timber down to the Saint Brigid house.

Two of a Kind

This was the day that hay was laid down, and a rock border was put around the plum tree. We all sorted out the wood coming into the splitting area next to St. Francis house, where it was cut with a chainsaw to 2 foot lengths and split by St. Joseph’s crew on the splitter. A young wwoofer, Oliver, was there and worked in the garden, as he visited a week earlier and was enthused to be here for the workday. All Together Now

We stacked most of the cords for the coming seasons that afternoon! Thanks to all the helping hands.

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