Voices from Rev. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas’ Blog Post

“You brought water to parched land.  The rain today is reaching down to the roots of that little white pine.  May that ceremony water the shriveling spirits across the land.”

Judy Hyde

“Thank-you for bringing us all into the sacred circle of confession, repentance and commitment to making amends for our past egregious betrayal of our Native American sisters and brothers.  May we live to be worthy of their forgiveness.”

Annie Scarff

“The ceremonies and talks, the testimony by people of all ages were deeply meaningful to me.  I feel deep gratitude to Native Americans who travelled far to get to Hardwick.  The testimonies to Standing Rock and the awareness of the harassment at Split Rock Sweetwater Camp were deeply moving and compelling, especially as they were given by Native People of all ages.  I appreciated the opportunity to share our grief and some redemption offered by those of us who are Christians and immigrants (even decades or hundreds of years ago), by you.”

Liz Reilly,  long-time Agape supporter who donated food and drinks for the event—Thank You, Liz

Other Francis Day Voices

I could feel the history of the Native Peoples as Arvol went from story to story, his presence signaling that something profound was taking place in our midst, and that it is imperative to heed his prophetic warnings to be more respectful of Mother Earth and to Defend the Sacred.

Teresa Wheeler, Agape Mission Council

My best memory from Francis Day comes from my sitting on the porch eating dinner with a few others.  Chief Arvol Looking Horse slipped in with us casually asking my friend, Autumn if she’d had enough to eat (her plate was empty) and just joining our conversation.  Others joined in the discussion about sustainable farming and the experiences of one woman sitting next to me who was a water protector.

Kate Carew, Agape Mission Council

Every Francis Day has expanded my notion of what is possible when people gather together, and this year took it to another level.  I am still deeply moved when I see fluttering in the breeze, the colored ribbons that marked the path to the Sacred Fire.

Dixon George, Agape resident and member of Agape Mission Council

Agape and friends created a stunning, awakening, devotional, politically challenging event.  Native American lives are suddenly alive within me, and I am changed.  Thank-you! 

Robert Jonas, husband of Margaret Bullitt-Jonas, author, artist, founder of Empty Bell

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