The Paulist Center and Boston College Visit Agape

A few weeks ago, Agape was blessed to host a great group of teens from the Paulist Center for a retreat, along with some parents. The Paulist Center is a welcoming Catholic community in Boston that works for justice and healing. This was the first time Agape had hosted teens for more than a day. Days were spent working in the garden, praying together, swimming, hiking, and playing with Bailey, Teresa’s adorable puppy. Evenings were spent playing music together, with everyone particularly awed by some of the teens’ renditions of songs from the popular musical “Hamilton.” The teens impressed us with their wisdom and intelligence around topics of peace, faith, and simple living.


Some of the teens and intern Williams cleared out vegetation from under the fruit trees.


Teresa’s dog, Bailey, received a lot of love from the teens.


A teen watered the pumpkin patch.


Wheelbarrows were used to transplant vinca.

Just 24 hours after the last of the Paulist Center crew left, we welcomed 55 incoming Boston College students as part of BC’s Options Through Education program. This program assists a group of diverse students in the transition to college. For some students, this was their first time
visiting a rural area, canoeing on a pond, or seeing an alternative lifestyle like that of Agape. After a quick introduction to Agape, everyone enjoyed a delicious lunch outside. Activities for the day included discussing nonviolence with Suzanne, a tour of the straw bale house by Brayton, hearing about what drew the interns to come to Agape, and a tour of the garden with Dixon. There was plenty of music-making, wood-chopping, and exploring the hermitage during free time. The students were insightful and engaging in their questions and reflections about Agape. A special thank you to all of our incredible volunteers for helping us host this large group!

100_2181-blog-versionStudents enjoyed chopping wood.


The group gathered outside for lunch and opening and closing discussions.


We were blessed with a beautiful Saturday to host BC students.


Students played music together during free time.

Though everyone at Agape was tired after welcoming nearly seventy people into the community in one week, we were blessed to pray, work, make music, and break bread with such wonderful people.

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