Breathe Deep the Absurdities of the Day – by Brayton Shanley
Often, when I looked into Dan Berrigan’s deep-souled eyes, I could sense the pain of the world. The phrase that captures this is Paul’s letter to the Corinthians: “When…
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Now That You Are Gone: Memories of Daniel Berrigan, SJ, by Suzanne Shanley
Now That You Are Gone: Memories of Daniel Berrigan, SJ by Suzanne Shanley For months we expected word of Daniel Berrigan’s death. Because he was both a mentor and spiritual guide,…
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Living Community: Call, Covenant and Change by Suzanne Shanley
In my prayer, I try to imagine Jesus speaking to me as he spoke to Saint Paul, saying “Take Courage.” (Acts 23:11) This visualization consoles and challenges simultaneously. On…
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Voices – from Various Contributors
Day Awakening: Sabbath – At 5:00 AM five planets were aligned in the Southeastern sky. Barb and I both watched. I believe that Mercury was not visible, hiding behind the…
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