Breathe Deep the Absurdities of the Day – by Brayton Shanley
Often, when I looked into Dan Berrigan’s deep-souled eyes, I could sense the pain of the world. The phrase that captures this is Paul’s letter to the Corinthians: “When…
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Now That You Are Gone: Memories of Daniel Berrigan, SJ, by Suzanne Shanley
Now That You Are Gone: Memories of Daniel Berrigan, SJ by Suzanne Shanley For months we expected word of Daniel Berrigan’s death. Because he was both a mentor and spiritual guide,…
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Scenes from the Wake and Funeral of Daniel Berrigan
This past week, Suzanne and Brayton traveled down to New York to celebrate the life of Daniel Berrigan. You can watch part of the service here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0zsj_skSs0&sns=fb From the post-funeral…
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Iona College Students at Agape
This past weekend Agape hosted a wonderful group of students from Iona College. As well as working around the homestead, they were lucky to be visited by Alicen Roberts,…
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Remembering Daniel Berrigan, SJ
At Agape we are remembering Daniel Berrigan, SJ, after news of his death Saturday. We have shared an article written by Dan, a piece written by Suzanne, and an…
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