St. Joseph’s in June


It was a Thursday in June when the group from St. Joseph’s college arrived, and with many gifts of delicious food. They were to stay until Sunday, the morning after the Work Day. During that time, we worked to gather and split cords for the coming seasons.Steve and Bianca In between, we played music together, and learned from Mary & her daughter- Lila, how they in New York were using oysters to clean the water in the Bay Area! There was a beautiful trip to the Quabbin, skipping rocks on the clean water, under a clear blue sky. Jackie, a trained Reiki practicer, had offered her services, giving deep insight to the inner self.


Interestingly, we had people from many cultures, 3 girls- Mise, Laeticia & Bianca native to Haiti, and brought an understanding of what life is like on the island. Katherine was native to El Salvador, and we all heard a glimpse of what that country in Central America feels like. Everyone did great work though, and gave a boost on the Work Day!

Thanks to

Mise, Katherine, Mary & Lila, Steve, Pat, Delores, Meinka, Jackie, Ryan, Bianca, and Laeticia.

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