Katya’s Family Visits Agape for the First Time
Our intern, Katya’s family visited Agape this past week. Brayton gave them a tour of St. Francis, St. Brigid House, and the garden before we enjoyed a nice lunch together where we learned about the Portuguese Island of Madeira, where Katya’s family on her mother’s side, is from. The visit
A Blessed Visit and Reflection
Sr. Melina Pellerin SSJ and Just Faith member, Cheryl Moynahan, visited Agape together for a rousing conversation on race matters in Springfield, MA. Sr. Melinda also shared the following reflection: Joseph, the father, the disenfranchised, the refugee, the dreamer. In my living room, above my flat screen television is
A New Friend Joins Agape for Retreat
“Mikey” came to Agape for a silent retreat, through Agape’s relationship with Sr. Jane Morrissey and The Peace Pagoda. He joined us for morning prayer, blessed the hermitage and its sacred presence with his great vibes, and offered stunning commentaries on how Jesus claimed his life. The hermitage is made
Family in a Van: A Wild Adventure Still Unfolding
When Brayton got the initial phone call from Courtney Hayes-Jurcheck, that she and her husband John Jurcheck, both 41 years of age, who, with their sons, Luca, 5 and Oliver, 9 were traveling to farm and WWOOFING sites in a 1987 Vanagon, we were excited about their romantic, counter-cultural adventure.
Life Springs Up Again at Agape
We are planting in the garden! The energy and excitement of our “no-till” seeding comes through in these photos. The straw came from Agape member Dixon George’s family homestead in Spencer, MA. Ann Garvey came from Winchester, MA to retreat and helped in the garden too.
At Last, Hay for the Garden!
Last week, Brayton, Dixon, and Katya (our intern currently staying at Agape), and with the assistance of our friend Jerry and his car trailer, made a trip out to Dixon’s childhood home in Spencer, MA to get some much needed hay for the garden. There they met up with Dixon’s
Recording of “Embodying Eco-Justice at Freedom Farm: A Conversation with Edgar Hayes”
Please enjoy this video of a recent event facilitated by the Thomas Berry Forum for Ecological Dialogue at Iona College, featuring Agape Mission Council members Edgar Hayes and Jim Robinson. On February 24, 2021, Professor Silmilly Toribio hosted “Embodying Eco-Justice at Freedom Farm: A Conversation with Edgar Hayes” in her
Join us on Zoom for Brigid Night (2/13) at 7:00pm!
Please join us on Zoom for Agape’s Annual St. Brigid Night Mid-winter Celtic feast of Poetry, Prayer and Song, celebrating St. Brigid of Kildare Saturday, Feb.13th, 7:00 pm Please join our zoom gathering. There is no need to register in
Lift Every Voice and Sing – by Melinda Adrienne Pellerin, SSJ
“Lift ev’ry voice and sing, ‘Til earth and heaven ring, Ring with the harmonies of Liberty… facing the rising sun of our new day begun, Let us march on ’til victory is won.” Often called the Black national anthem, “Lift Every Voice and Sing” was written as a poem by
Rooted in Love – by Jeanelle Wheeler
I believe white people need to learn to talk about race. White people need to own our whiteness and examine what whiteness means. This examination is a huge part of fighting for racial justice because, as Lala Saad writes in her book, Me and White Supremacy, “You cannot dismantle what