• Agape Welcomes New Mission Council Members

    After a year of discernment and participating in Mission Council meetings, Agape welcomes 7 new Mission Council members now committed to our advisory board, which meets four times per year and has the important task of making decisions about Agape’s goals, vision and future, as well as the planning of Francis

  • International Women’s Day & The Peace Pagoda

    Yesterday, March 8, was International Women’s Day. Suzanne and Brayton traveled to Smith College in Northampton to give a presentation entitled Loving our Planet: Sustainability, Spirituality, and the Ethic of Care. Suzanne also spoke about eco-feminism. Before the talk, she wrote: “As Brayton and I prepare to go to Smith College for

  • Early March Reflections

    We are already into our first week of March, and it has certainly been “March-like:” crisp, clear days and wind! Spring is just 17 days away… Suzanne, Brayton and Dixon joined the Veterans for Peace this past Saturday to stand with their Muslim friends against the targeting, hatred, bigotry, and

  • Celebrating St. Brigid at Agape

    On a cold February evening, with a layer of fresh snow covering the frozen ground, friends of Agape, some long-time and some new, gathered to celebrate St. Brigid of Kildare, patron saint of poetry, Ireland, and midwives. Suzanne led us through a ceremony honoring Brigid as we stood beside Agape’s

  • Long-term Opportunities

  • Introducing the Agape Blog!

    In the hopes of keeping everyone updated events and happenings here at Agape, we are launching a blog! Watch this space for events of importance here and elsewhere, photos, our take on world events, what’s growing in the Agape garden, what we’re cooking, and more! Stay tuned because next week

  • Jahar and Judy

    “Boston Strong” In the immediate aftermath of the Marathon Bombing, I found it nearly impossible socially to say anything openly empathetic towards the Tsarnaev brothers.   When I ventured philosophical or theological thoughts about historical perspective, that this carnage is the outcome of our bombing our way into other countries, or

  • Advent-2015-Agape-Community-D-Roberts-Kirk

    Catholic Lay Community—No Easy Walk to Freedom

    by Brayton Shanley —  Agape is approaching its 34th year. We are dedicating this issue to the joys and sorrows of founding and living in intentional community. This past October our Francis Day theme comprised stories of Christian intentional communities devoted to nonviolence and service to the poor.            Emily

  • Paul Lachine

    What is the Future of Nonviolent Community? An Answer in Faith, Hope and Love

     by Michael Baxter — This is a remarkable gathering of friends and families and of communities new and old together with our hosts, the Agape Community. The place to begin to think about the future, as I see it, is to draw on the wisdom of the past, on tradition.

  • Practicing for When Peace Breaks Out

    by Brenna Cussen and Eric Anglada — Yesterday was our fifth wedding anniversary. Our wedding day, October 2, 2010, was much like today – overcast, low fifties, and chilly. Like today, we were surrounded by wonderful people and much joy. The sacrament took place at our local Catholic parish, and