Beautiful Summer and Peace Walk in Boston
This summer, Agape was invited to a peace rally titled: “Boston Remembers”, organized by the Massachusetts Peace Action group (www.masspeaceaction.org). In Boston, hundreds of social justice seekers gathered to remember those who were taken from us in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 and most recently, the people involved in shootings
Summer Heat and Tasty Treats
This summer is hot, hot, hot, but this does not bring our hopes down at Agape. Not even this drought, the worst drought New England has seen, can dampen our spirits. We want to thank everyone who comes to help our community! We have welcomed many interns including Chelsea, Libbie,
The Paulist Center and Boston College Visit Agape
A few weeks ago, Agape was blessed to host a great group of teens from the Paulist Center for a retreat, along with some parents. The Paulist Center is a welcoming Catholic community in Boston that works for justice and healing. This was the first time Agape had hosted teens for
In-depth position description
Vision and Values of the Agape Community since 1982: “We live in the urgencies of the 21st century. At Agape we seek to create and to preserve a morally coherent life in fidelity to our faith and to the calling of people of all faiths. While grounded in the practice
Mission Council Meeting Update
Last Saturday, our Mission Council met at Agape. Involved are wonderful new members: six people in their late twenties including Edgar and Ann of Agape’s sister community, Freedom Farm. One of the topics of discussion was planning for the upcoming St. Francis Day celebration on Saturday, October 1st. Everyone has
Agape Workday Revisited
You may have read our post about the Agape Workday earlier this week, but we just received these wonderful photographs from the day by longtime Agape friend and photographer Skip Schiel. There are even two by one of the workday’s youngest volunteers–Lila. We think these deserve their own post! Enjoy.
A Very Successful Workday 2016!
Another successful Workday has come and gone! We want to thank everyone who came to Agape to help out the Community; it is greatly appreciated by all who visit! Thank you to folks from Just Faith with Bill Toller (Holy Cross Parish, Longmeadow, MA); Ali and Omar Mahmoud; St. Joseph’s
Stonehill College Rural Immersion & Memorial Day with Veterans for Peace
Agape hosted a lively group of Stonehill College students last week; Stonehill College has been coming to Agape for Rural Immersions for five years now and it always proves to be a wonderful and memorable experience! The Stonehill women braved the heat and headed out to the homestead to get
Not What I Expected by Greta Reo
Not What I Expected by Greta Reo Last summer, my partner Bill told me about one of his computer repair customers: a community in Hardwick called Agape that did peace activism work. He said he loved being able to help an organization with such a great cause. A month or
Taking the Slow Road by Stephanie Ciner
*image courtesy Debbie Roberts Kirk Taking the Slow Road by Stephanie Ciner Nearly every day for the past year, I’ve arrived by bicycle at a place I’ve never been to before. Often a new town or city where someone has agreed to host me, sometimes a campground or state forest,