• Bruce Davidson, Sirius Community Visionary, Mystic, Friend RIP by Brayton Shanley

    For Bruce, the truest soul-mate, a true anam cara spiritual brother who both lived the spirit of mystical love but also worked so hard, taught so tirelessly, so much, about how to live life to the absolute fullest. Bruce was a walking, talking, radical alternative–gritty, earthy, always with that smile.

  • Remembering Francis Day 2017

    Though it is approaching two months since October 7th, we still find ourselves immersed in the significance of Francis Day 2017. Read on for a re-cap of the day.  The Agape Community’s Francis Day celebration this year saw more than 350 water protectors (more attendees than any other year) gather

  • No More Sacrifice Zones by Suzanne Belote Shanley

    Ever since Brayton returned from Standing Rock, North Dakota, the breathtaking images that he shared with me by phone while in North Dakota have resounded in my heart and soul: “You won’t believe these…teepees, tents everywhere.  We delivered the straw bales.  Our greeters were people of all ages.  They came

  • I am a Woman Nancy Wood

    Native Nations Rising: A Countersign by Brayton Shanley

    Our country is in rapid political decline.  The sign?  Donald Trump is president and has been leading the decline for seven whole months now.  Eighty percent of the registered Republicans support Trump through his clinical narcissistic horrors.  So we are descending fast. And where is the hope in such a

  • Defend the Sacred

    “We Need an Energy Shift to Heal Our Mother Earth”  Chief Arvol Looking Horse: Lakota, Dakota, Nakota Nations

    “I, Chief Looking Horse, of the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota Nations, ask  you to understand an Indigenous perspective on what has happened in America, that we call ‘Turtle island’…recognize the importance of Sacred Sites and realize the interconnectedness of what is happening today…continued massacres…on other lands and our own Americas.

  • Displaced Iraqi Families Flee ISIS

    Wronging Each Other in the Name of God and Ideology: Reflections on and from Mosul by Ahmad al Hadidi

    I have been living in the United States for almost fourteen years but I never imagined that I would be witnessing from my comfort zone here the destruction of my birth city Mosul. Yet, another war in my life made me not only suffer but also ponder on why we,

  • How Boycotts Can Stop Pipelines by Hattie Nestel

    In the dead of winter or sweltering summer heat, several of us hold signs reading Boycott TD Bank–Support Standing Rock. Have stood like this this twice weekly for more than six months and have distributed some three thousand leaflets urging account holders to move their money out of TD Bank.

  • Hope Found at Agape by Celia Dolan

    In mid-May, I embarked on a journey with five fellow Stonehill College students for a HOPE service trip (Honoring our neighbor, Organizing for justice, Practicing peace, Encountering God).  We drove about two hours from Easton to Hardwick, unsure of what we would find at our destination. Upon our arrival, we

  • Three Generations of Divide and Conquer by John Paul Marosy

    Divide and conquer is a time-honored strategy that ruling elites use when they don’t have solutions to problems. The problem in the U.S. today is not “immigrants,” it’s the divide and conquer strategy being cynically deployed by the corporate ruling elite to consolidate power and feed the greed machine,  Wall

  • A Speck at the Sea by Dave Legg

    A breath in fog at the edge of dawn am I Standing on rock by crashing sea Waiting and hoping on the Source Again and again in each moment Love melts fog. “Come to me at the sea drink your fill of Light” Knowing God is Love for all gratitude