• New Energy

    by Aria Killough-Miller “Can everyone halt?” Brayton asks. We pause from clearing lunch dishes and discussing afternoon tasks. He begins to sing “The Earth is Our Mother”. Having no idea what is going on, we nevertheless follow Brayton, who leads us into the basement toward the solar monitor. He decrescendoes

  • May 2018 Stonehill College Rural Immersion

    by Rachel Riani At the end of May, eight of my fellow classmates at Stonehill College along with two faculty members went on an H.O.P.E. (Honoring our neighbor, Organizing for Justice, Practicing Peace, and Encountering God) trip to Hardwick, Massachusetts to serve the Agape Community for six days to learn

  • Weekend with Young Adults from Second Church in Newton

    Leah Rumsey came to Agape with a group of students from Franklin College, IN and has since returned to the Boston area for PhD work at Harvard and to serve at Second Church in Newton. We had a working weekend in July with young adults Mandy, Shiya, and Connor, with

  • Prayer Before a Driftwood Cross

    (in gratitude for a visit to Agape Community) by Marjorie Corbman In the morning light, thick as golden ribbons from the window to my eyes, I notice: my fingernails are still caked with dirt. The soul in the body is like sap in the tree, — said Saint Hildegard of

  • Pray With Our Feet: A Kairos Moment in Charlottesville One Year Later

    by Eric Martin Life in Charlottesville tends to normalize what may seem dramatic or outlandish elsewhere. Amidst the violence that has become synonymous with our town’s name on August 12 last year, DeAndre Harris suffered a concussion, a broken arm, a spinal injury, and a chipped tooth in an assault

  • News Notes

    Ali Mahmood whom we have known since he arrived at Agape for a visit in 2007, graduated from high school, Another Course to College in Hyde Park and will go on to Bunker Hill College in the fall.  Photo: Ali on the left; his father Sabah Kader, middle; friend Mounirou,

  • Excerpt from a remembrance of Paul Hood

    by Jo Connelly It was 1983 and I was at Friends Meeting at Beacon Hill, having just settled into worship Sunday morning, when a man with a Quaker-looking beard stood up and gave a message about feeding the hungry and nonviolently fighting for peace with such love that I had

  • Jeanelle Wheeler: Agape Lifer Graduates from Brown

    by Brayton Shanley and Suzanne Belote Shanley Jeanelle has been coming to Agape since her mother Teresa Wheeler carried her here in her womb.  Teresa has been a regular volunteer since the early 1990s and served The Agape Mission Council since 1992.  Twenty-six years of service! One of the greatest

  • Voices

    Comments by Iona College students: Class on Sustainability and Community, after a weekend at Agape with Professor Meryl Nadel “I thought the trip removed the classroom atmosphere to the real world.”  “The location was really beautiful and helped relieve some stress.” “A close knit community within a short amount of

  • How Am I Ruined for life?

    by Matt Carriker I was incredibly grateful to spend much-needed time with a like-minded spiritual community at Agape’s hermitage this July.  I serve as the Protestant Chaplain at Brandeis University and as Pastor at Agape Spiritual Community in Waltham (similar vision to Agape’s though different in expression).  Life in ministry