• Michael True, a Tribute

    by David O’Brien Michael True, Worcester peacemaker, poet, historian, interfaith organizer, teacher of English and model Worcester citizen is gone. He passed away last week in Minneapolis where he and his wife, Mary Pat moved just a few weeks ago to join three of their six children who have settled

  • Sowing Seeds: Restoration Begins with Rest

    by Hannah Baker, College of the Holy Cross Restoration begins with a simple word, made up of four letters: rest. We see it in the spelling of the word, and we hear it in the pronunciation, but so often we completely overlook its presence in the larger word. More importantly,

  • Eduardo rallying a group of college students about DACA

    The Case of Eduardo Samaniego: Deported by ICE from South Carolina Eduardo had been scheduled to speak at Agape’s Francis Day, October 6, 2018 Background: When Gabriella della Croce, the lead organizer at Pioneer Valley Workers Center in Northampton, MA, had arranged for Eduardo Samaniego to speak about his undocumented

  • Voices

    When Great Trees Fall by Maya Angelou Great souls die and our reality, bound to them, takes leave of us. Our souls, dependent upon their nurture, now shrink, wizened. Our minds, formed and informed by their radiance, fall away, We are not so much maddened as reduced to the unutterable

  • What others are saying about Loving Life on the Margins

    Arun Gandhi, founder, President, Gandhi Worldwide Education Institute “Reading the story of Agape I was reminded of my grandfather, Gandhi’s My Experiments with Truth, the story of how he transformed his life.  This book is a testament to the fact that what Gandhi did in India can be replicated around

  • St. Joseph College Retreat at Agape, January 2019

    Students from St. Joseph’s College in Long Island spent a spectacular four days at the Agape Community. Our Agape stalwart, Pat Tracy, who died a year and a half ago, was the reason for our knowing all of these wonderful students. We felt the love and spirit of Pat pervading

  • Reckoning with the Coming of Jesus

    By Brayton Shanley- The first Sunday of Advent’s gospel from Luke reads “There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and upon the earth distress of nations in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and waves. People fainting with fear, with foreboding of what is

  • A Track to the Water’s Edge

    by John H Bracey - A lot that has happened since I agreed to speak three months ago.  The topic I gave Agape was an “umbrella” topic…I could make it big or small.  It was called “Working for the Beloved Community In Perilous Times.”

  • Words, Wordlessness and Coping with Despair

    by Suzanne Belote Shanley - The cascade of global and national catastrophes is so devastating that we hear repeatedly on newscasts phrases such as “There are no words to describe Yemen.”  Nevertheless, a human rights official managed to locate a few: “Hell on earth for millions of children…starving and in

  • Listening to the Anguish of Racism

    By Brayton Shanley - It all started in 2016 with Donald Trump’s Muslim taunting.  Our Mission Council members were gathered for our winter meeting and the planning our next St. Francis Day when John Paul Marosy, one of our crew asked of our group:  “What is our world going to