Healing Our Divisions on & Beyond Election Day: Agape’s Vigil in Ware

In solidarity with interfaith vigils in the area and across the country, Agape has been holding an ongoing vigil in Ware, MA. Here is our message:

Healing Our Divisions on & Beyond Election Day

We are an interfaith group consisting primarily of Christians who are gathered here in the spirit of peace as we approach our elections.

We are painfully aware that the political divisions in our country are at dangerous levels, and that our differences and disagreements could escalate into violence, threatening the safety and integrity of the election process.

We vigil here today in a nonpartisan spirit of unity. We call upon the God of peace to heal our anger, our self-righteous positions, and our fear of our political adversaries.

We hope and trust that this prayerful vigil will encourage a peace-filled election process regardless of the outcome. Please join us if you resonate with the spirit of our vigil.

If you want further information on this group gathered here today, call the Agape Community at: 413-967-9369, email us at: [email protected], or write us at 2062 Greenwich Rd., Ware, MA 01082.

Please pray for the wellbeing of our country.

An Update from Nancy and Steve James, Agape Community co-founders and Mission Council members (writing from Brownsville, NC):

“We had a moving candlelight vigil outdoors next to our church which is located on the town square tonight. Masks and social distancing, about 30 people came from a few progressive churches in the area and some from the NAACP. Readings and prayers beautifully composed about peace and justice. Steve and I were asked to be readers….it was very cold but we felt the warmth of being together.”

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