Easter Vigil

Easter Vigil at Agape was our first in-person Holy Saturday since 2020.  We were blessed to have Fr. Fred Enman SJ of Matthew 25 in Worcester as our celebrant and a few old friends, including the Kirks, the Leggs, and pleased that we could support Fr. Tom McMurray of Nativity School in Worcester, which has come under siege by Bishop McManus who demanded that Nativity take down its BLM and LGBTQ flags or not be considered “Catholic.”  We lifted our voices in the refrain: “Christ is Risen from the Dead,” even as we mourned the war dead of Russians and Ukrainians, and the millions of refugees.

We believe that the Resurrection is the practice of nonviolent resistance as our hope lies beyond the confines of the state, the war machines and rests in Jesus, Who is Risen.

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