Volunteer Opportunities

Ministry—Simple Living, Sustainability, Peace and Justice, Nonviolence

  • Organize and lead retreat groups in both homestead and reflection activities.
  • Cooking, cleaning , food prep for large groups for College Rural Immersions held at Agape.


  • Cut, haul, stack wood, Agape’s main source of heat.
  • With the arrival of Spring, we turn the earth, add our compost to new soil, gather manure from local farms and begin the intensive process of beginning our new planting and growing season.
  • Our buildings need maintenance ongoing, both structures, the Straw Bale House and the main residence, Brigid House need facelifts and repair ongoing. Carpenters always welcome and needed. Electricians and handy men and women are much desired.
  • We need experienced gardeners and farmers and those familiar with permaculture design, as well as conversant with solar energy and compost toilets and organic composting, to assist in leadership with the many rural immersion experiences with college groups throughout the year.

Outreach and Office Support

  • Computer skills for data processing work with mailing list. Outreach to area colleges and peace groups. Maintaining and adding ministry contacts, including the updating of intern and other lists with host colleges and communities.
  • Assistance with writing and editing of the Agape Community journal, Servant Song, including preparation of the mailing list for labels and editing of the submissions.

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