Racial Justice for the Indigenous People: Change the State Flag of Massachusetts
by David Detmold Sometime in the middle of 2016 , as Native activists and their allies…
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Agape Mission Council Changes: Farewell to Skip Schiel and El Maclellan RSCJ
Agape’s Mission Council is our lifeblood and advisory community which meets since the 1990’s at least four times a year to plan Francis Day and to consult…
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Intrepid: Our Call – by Sr. Rita Raboin SND
by Sr. Rita Raboin SND In July, I was blessed with a seven-day retreat at…
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400 Years after 1620: Prayers for Seven Generations
by Peter Blood In this 400th anniversary of the beginning of European settlement in the Northeastern U.S., two interfaith associations in Western…
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Eradicating Racism: Transforming Human Hearts
by Fr. Warren Savage The racial tension and unrest in Minneapolis and other major cities across the country and the COVID-19 pandemic have only…
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Death Sentence of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Reversed on July 31, 2020
Note: Agape’s witness Against the Death Penalty for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev can be found in the chapter, “Judy and Dzhokhar” of the Agape co-founders’, Suzanne Belote Shanley…
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In Memoriam
Patricia Shanley. Brayton’s sister, died on April 22, 2020 of cancer. Since the inception of Agape in 1982, Trish was a generous supporter of the community…
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The Marvelous Did Happen (Servant Song of Winter 2020 is Released!)
What follows is the front page of this most recent Servant Song. To find the rest, click here for…
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The Hope of Divine Love for a Threatened Planet
by Brayton Shanley We are going to a place in history that we have never been before. Old systems are dying but not without a fight. Authoritarian, political systems based…
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Creative, Resilient Ways to Create Community
by Stellan Vinthagen I am preoccupied with the contradiction between potential of “people power” and the state of the world today, and am therefore focused on how we can…
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