Summer Heat and Tasty Treats
This summer is hot, hot, hot, but this does not bring our hopes down at Agape. Not even this drought, the worst drought New England has seen, can dampen…
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The Paulist Center and Boston College Visit Agape
A few weeks ago, Agape was blessed to host a great group of teens from the Paulist Center for a retreat, along with some parents. The Paulist Center is…
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Mission Council Meeting Update
Last Saturday, our Mission Council met at Agape. Involved are wonderful new members: six people in their late twenties including Edgar and Ann of Agape’s sister community, Freedom Farm….
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Agape Workday Revisited
You may have read our post about the Agape Workday earlier this week, but we just received these wonderful photographs from the day by longtime Agape friend and…
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A Very Successful Workday 2016!
Another successful Workday has come and gone! We want to thank everyone who came to Agape to help out the Community; it is greatly appreciated by all…
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Stonehill College Rural Immersion & Memorial Day with Veterans for Peace
Agape hosted a lively group of Stonehill College students last week; Stonehill College has been coming to Agape for Rural Immersions for five years now and it always proves…
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Come See Bears and the Beautiful Agape Garden…
This morning during daily prayer, Suzanne, Brayton and Dixon were treated to a black bear sighting! The hungry fellow was tempted by a bird feeder filled with…
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Scenes from the Wake and Funeral of Daniel Berrigan
This past week, Suzanne and Brayton traveled down to New York to celebrate the life of Daniel Berrigan. You can watch part of the service here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0zsj_skSs0&sns=fb From the post-funeral…
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Iona College Students at Agape
This past weekend Agape hosted a wonderful group of students from Iona College. As well as working around the homestead, they were lucky to be visited by Alicen Roberts,…
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Agape Easter Vigil
Though it was a month ago, we pause to share with you these images from the annual Agape Easter Vigil. We thank Claudia McNeil for the great photos!
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