Are We Contemplative Enough?
by Father Warren Savage My mother would always say to us, do not forget where you come from. You are…
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On the Side of God, Light and Justice
by Edgar Hayes A wonderful start to the conversation of race in America–the day,…
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It’s Not Easy Living with the Truth
by Ruth Bass Green The experience on October 6, at Agape will stay in my heart and mind…
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We Must Rid Ourselves of Systemic Racism
by Tahirah Amatul-Wadud As our country experiences such difficulty and we as a people are hurt by betrayal at its core, the…
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No One Is Illegal
by Maritza Cruz Race still matters. In 2018, there are persistent social, political, and environmental inequities, and racism…
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Defending the Victims
by Alex Mooradian To me, what stood out at St. Francis Day was the sense of caring among the attendees….
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Great Spirit—Jesus—God—Allah– Heal Us
It was so important for there to be a white Christian…
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Worcester Inter-Tribal Indian Council: Sacred Fire and Pipe Ceremony
By Nicole and Rick Braithewait Hunt and John Joubert “ how do we come back to being one people…
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Give Us a Seat at the Table
Systemic racism has, throughout my whole life, prevented me from being in spaces like this today, from going to college, from…
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Courage to Change
by Brenna Cussen I was beyond impressed that Agape was willing to dive into such a difficult and necessary issue. The diversity…
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