Celebrating 30 Years of St. Francis Day
Agape Co-founders Introduce the Day by Nancy James Steve and…
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Wrapped in Hope: College of the Holy Cross at Agape
by Samantha Leuschner Holy Cross Students Eliza and…
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The Memorial Tree Pilgrimage: A Walking Tour of the Agape Story
by Dave Perkins Over the past 20 years, members of the Agape Community have planted thirteen trees at the edge of the woods or in the circle in front of…
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Primal Mother
by Betsy Azarowski The valley spirit never dies; It is the woman, primal mother. Her gateway is the root of heaven and earth. It is like a veil barely seen. Use it, it will…
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Dialog on Abortion Your letter is truly written in the spirit of St. Francis. You laid to rest my concerns that Agape ignores the scourge of abortion on the…
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Francis Day 2019 – Youth Leadership, Elder Wisdom: Creating a Nonviolent Future
Celebrating 30 Years of St. Francis Day Videos https://youtu.be/HmbJSCOiBy8 Photos St. Francis Day 2019 Photos
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Spirit of Life Community Book Reading and Signing
Spirit of Life Community book reading and signing on Sunday, Oct. 27th at the Congregational Church of Weston was a lively, uplifting event with liturgy, presided over by Catholic…
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The Paulist Center Book Signing
Over 60 people gathered in the auditorium at the Paulist Center on Sunday, October 27th after 10 am Mass for a talk by Brayton Shanley and Suzanne Belote Shanley,…
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