In Memoriam – Bob Solari
In Memoriam: Bob Solari died on November 9th, after a long siege with Parkinson’s disease, and residence in a Worcester nursing home. Bob gave himself tirelessly to the Agape Community, in ways too numerous to count, but included great acts of humility–wiping dishes, cleaning floors, chopping and freezing vegetables. Bob was always present, always ready…
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Leaving Agape – Returning to Haiti
By Nancy James – Steve and I had been invited to speak about the work in Haiti, at a gathering of Massachusetts Baptist Churches in Leominster during the month of October and took advantage of the opportunity to be a part of the Agape Community life. It was wonderful to be a part of the…
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Poetry Corner
My Hometown Is a town overwhelmed With infirmity Destruction And construction Weeping on the past And full of afflictions In its day In its night But we all know what happened We all know what’s happening And we all know the problem We hear the same story In the morning In the evening Is it…
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Staff Leader Reflection on Entering Into the Unknown
By Meghan deCarvalho – As a social worker in Counseling services at Stonehill College, small Catholic liberal arts colleges in New england, the main duties of my job are to provide individual one on one counseling to undergraduate students, to assist students as they cope and adjust to college and life pressures. the majority of presentations…
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Michael Boover Book Review
MICHAEL BOOVER, Member of Annunciation House of Worcester and Sacred Heart/Saint Catherine of Sweden Parish. He is also a part-time chaplain at the Worcester Recovery Center and Hospital, an urban farmer, and a long-time Catholic Worker. Brayton Shanley has written a magnificent book about love in all it manifestations. It is about what it means…
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What is Happening to the Moment?
Peter Matthiessen, recently deceased, was a writer and Zen practitioner. He expressed a reluctance to write about his experiences because it was the nature of Zen to depend on the immediacy and spontaneity of the present moment. His point brought into sharp contrast what is happening to this present moment in these times. It seems…
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On The Road— Our Book Tour East Coast to West
When Brayton’s newly minted book arrived with its shiny flame-design cover and inspiring endorsements on the back, it was a “break open the champagne” moment. For years, Brayton and I weighed the costs in time and energy of writing a book, while leading a full community life with the accompanying dilemma of self-publishing versus seeking…
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Agape Community Reduces Dependence on Oil with “Grease Car” by Terence Hegarty, Catholic Communications
HARDWICK, MA– Powered by vegetable oil? That’s what the white lettering on the rear windshield says, but most don’t believe it; at least not at first. Looking at the 1997 Volkswagen Jetta, the statement on the back of the vehicle is the only indicator that the car doesn’t operate on a traditional fuel. But, aside…
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Volunteer Opportunities
Ministry—Simple Living, Sustainability, Peace and Justice, Nonviolence Organize and lead retreat groups in both homestead and reflection activities. Cooking, cleaning , food prep for large groups for College Rural Immersions held at Agape. Homesteading Cut, haul, stack wood, Agape’s main source of heat. With the arrival of Spring, we turn the earth, add our compost to new…
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Way to go; Composting toilets offer eco-friendly alternative by Jean Laquidara Hill for telegram.com
Way to go; Composting toilets offer eco-friendly alternative. by Jean Laquidara Hill for telegram.com As Karen E. Difranza and her husband, Robin B. Langer, prepared for their son’s wedding on the hill behind their home in Hubbardston, they realized the one flushable toilet in their house would not be enough to accommodate all the guests….
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