Notes on Books by our Friends

The Risk of the Cross by Art Laffin

We at Agape have been reading the new edition of The Risk of the Cross: Living Gospel Nonviolence in the Nuclear Age, by longtime friend Art Laffin. The Risk of the Cross is a powerful resource for communities committed to attuning to the heart and mind of the crucified Jesus, and leading lives of resistance to the crucifying status quo. “Whenever we open ourselves to the power of the cross,” Art observes, “the kingdom stirs within us.” We enthusiastically recommend the book.  (Twenty-Third Publications, 2020)

Jim Robinson

True Commitments a memoir by Michael True

“Each page of True Commitments vibrates with the intensity of Mike True’s indefatigable spirit, his thirst for meaning, and dedication to nonviolence as he moves through the rootedness of resistance and peacemaking from his home in Worcester to the capitals of the world, his heart captured by Gandhi’s India. True Commitments brims over with Mike’s contagious excitement for the potential of nonviolent love so needed in our violent world. He galvanized and supported hundreds in his wide embrace.” Haley’s,2020, Athol, MA [email protected]

Suzanne Belote Shanley and Brayton Shanley

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