Bruce Davidson, Sirius Community Visionary, Mystic, Friend RIP by Brayton Shanley

For Bruce, the truest soul-mate, a true anam cara spiritual brother who both lived the spirit of mystical love but also worked so hard, taught so tirelessly, so much, about how to live life to the absolute fullest. Bruce was a walking, talking, radical alternative–gritty, earthy, always with that smile.

Whenever I needed advice on how to live closer to nature, more sustainably or how to discourage, without harming…all those chipmunks, deer or woodchucks, from ravaging our garden, I would call Bruce.

Bruce’s usual advice was to “meditate” or “feed the chipmunks a good grade of sunflower seeds,” and, “they will in kindness, leave your seeds alone.”

There was always a sense of certainly to Bruce’s advice, and most of his “points” came from direct experience, not from books.

With Bruce’s passing, an unfillable hole opens up in my life and in the life of our community. A great soul, Bruce was one of those few holy ones that are so strong, so good, so true that the force of his goodness and love mysteriously hold together our violent and wounded in extinguishable hope and prayer.

This was Bruce Davidson. Bruce, dear Bruce, we will expect greater things from you now, from the “beyond.” We feel you in The Cloud of Witnesses, of the saints and the prophets. Dear brother Bruce, oh with that smile…always that smile.

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