We are already into our first week of March, and it has certainly been “March-like:” crisp, clear days and wind! Spring is just 17 days away…
Suzanne, Brayton and Dixon joined the Veterans for Peace this past Saturday to stand with their Muslim friends against the targeting, hatred, bigotry, and Islamophobia directed towards the Muslim community that plagues our nation. The event took place at The Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center.
Many familiar faces were present, including Chris, Veteran for Peace who has spoken at the Agape Community on several occasions. Alicen Roberts, Agape Mission Council member and Midwives of Mystery member also attended:
Also present were Veterans for Peace Nicole Waybright and Eric Wasileski. Nicole has a recently published memoir: Long Way Out – A young woman’s journey of self-discovery and how she survived the Navy’s modern cruelty at sea scandal. Eric has shared poems at Agape, including some original pieces:
Brayton, Nicole, and Eric:
Friends of Agape will recognize Sabah Kader, formerly of Iraq, a longtime member of the Agape family:
This past Monday saw a first at Agape: the planting of winter rye on Leap Day. Brayton pointed out that winter rye seeds are traditionally planted in the fall as a cover crop, but this year he and Dixon thought they would try their luck at a late winter planting. As is began to steadily drizzle, they headed outside, and with the help of Matt who lives in nearby Ware, a familiar face when it comes to helping hands here on the homestead, the planting of the rye began. They hoped the rain would help bury the seeds in the soaked soil. As Suzanne watched the three at work “broadcasting” seeds, she was reminded of this piece by Van Gogh (below):
We are hoping that the winter rye will take, as cold days have returned! And the countdown to Spring continues…
On March 1, Dixon George celebrated one year as a resident here at Agape. We are grateful for all that he is and does, whether it be his tireless work on the homestead, his wonderful conversation, and his truly gourmet meals enjoyed by all who are lucky enough to taste them! Congratulations, Dixon as we look forward to the year ahead!