TEDx – Brayton Shanley: Who Are We and How Are We to Live in this World?

Agape co-founder Brayton Shanley was invited to give a TED talk at the George School in Newtown, PA on June 13th, 2015. Brayton’s talk, entitled, “Who Are We and How Are We to Live in this World?” was addressed to an audience of more than 200 attendees, who gathered to explore the question of “What is the most important lesson to teach children?” Brayton was joined by more than 16 other visionaries in the fields of medicine, science, media, journalism, design, and education.

In the 15 minute talk, Brayton echoed Gandhi’s teaching that “love is the law of being.” Drawing on his own lived experiences at Agape, he discussed the importance of ahimsa – the word Gandhi used for nonviolent love – as not only a guiding principle, but a central philosophy of life and how to live it. Living a life based on nonviolence, Brayton said, is to “fulfill your destiny as a lover of life.”

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