Creating Nonviolent Hearts in these Perilous Times: Building Community

Creating Nonviolent Hearts in these Perilous

Times: Building Community
Book Reading by the Authors
Lower Mills Branch Library
27 Richmond St.

Boston (Dorchester), MA 02124
Thursday, October 24, 6:00-7:30pm
Sponsors: St. Gregory’s Church Racial and Social Justice Committee,
Dorchester People for Peace, New England War Tax Resistance, Pax Christi MA

Suzanne Belote Shanley and Brayton Shanley
are co-founders of The Agape Community, a lay Catholic residential
community on 34 acres of land in Central MA Started 37 years ago, Agape
has welcomed hundreds for retreats and rural immersions to learn
contemplation, nonviolence, and sustainability. The community is involved in
interfaith dialogue and practice, including witness and action against war and
capital punishment.