Our Annual Easter Vigil begins with a bon-fire followed by Mass in Agape’s chapel and a festive vegetarian pot-luck. Room is available for overnight guests.
Please RSVP to [email protected] or call 413-967-9369. All are welcome!!
Easter is the high point of the year, “the light beyond darkness.” The community of the original followers of Jesus was transformed, moving from fear-driven and dispirited disciples, to those who knew the power and joy of the broken tomb and the Risen Christ.
So do we enter into that memory once a year to experience the Christian defining fact of life—conquering death.
Out of the fast and penance of the 40 days of lent and the public stations of the Cross an annual present at Boston’s State House on good Friday, we gather at the community to experience the Easter Vigil’
We begin with the Easter bonfire and symbol of the power of the light of The Divine. We process into Agape’s chapel for the Easter readings, to hear the Resurrection gospel preached and to intone the names of the great nonviolent saints and to renew our Christian vows and celebrate Eucharist.
All are welcome to the Agape table, and yearly friends of different faiths join us for our Easter Vigil as well as for other events.