Join with various peace and religious communities in a silent vigil punctuated by individual reflections as we share the sufferings of Christ with the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and the rest of the world crucified by war and violence. Our vigil addresses issues of homelessness, dominative power in church and society, death row and executions, abortion and the violence done to our planet through war. All are welcome!!!!!
Join us and spread the word. We love having high school and college age youth.
Sponsored by Agape Community,House of Peace, Sisters of St. Anne Pax Christi
Agape’s commitment to witnessing against the Death Penalty began in the early 80’s with vigils in front of Boston’s State House on days of execution. That evolved into a successful national campaign to save the life of Billy Neal Moore in Georgia. This commitment to oppose the death penalty has evolved into a yearly stations of the cross.
During the yearly Good Friday Stations of the Cross we stand in penitential silence for three hours. We ask God’s forgiveness for the sin of violence in all its forms, the death penalty, war, abortion, torture, and institutional violence wherever it is found, including tax dollars for U.S. led wars.